How Carpet Makes Stairs Safer, Quieter, and Prettier!
Why Consider Carpet for Stairs?
There are a few very good reasons to carpet your stairs. It’s not just about adding style to your stairwell, though that is a benefit and we can offer a huge variety of colors, textures and patterns. Carpet on stairs is a good decision for safety and noise as well.
Make Your Stairs Safer
Bare hardwood staircases are beautiful, but they can be a safety issue. A smooth stair can be slippery and feel a bit like a black diamond ski slope when walking on them with socks. If you have pets, children, or seniors in your home, a stair runner or wall-to-wall carpeted steps can be a safer choice.
Carpet offers traction and cushion in case of any slips or falls, plus the added comfort of a softer and warmer landing pad for bare feet walking up and down the stairs.
Reduce Noise
Adding a stair runner is also a quieter choice. It absorbs noise much more than hard surfaces do. The acoustical benefits can save you from the constant clomp clomp clomp noises from the foot traffic going up and down.
Give Your Stairs Some Style
A stair runner can still be attractive without hiding your hardwood stairs. There are a plethora of solid to patterned broadloom carpets options that can be fabricated into a custom stair runner that look great and add style to your home!
What You’ll Need
Come visit us to start your next stair runner project. We can give you a general estimate if you come prepared with the following information:
Photo of your staircase
We can also weigh in on the style of the carpet if we can see the context.
Number of Steps
This will, of course, help us determine the amount of carpet required.
Overall width of stair
How much square footage is required?
Approximate size of landings
Is there a turn? Anything else we need to know?
Desired runner width
We can make recommendations based on the width of your stairs.
The carpet featured is Stanton Carpet Style Oxford Street color Iced Mint. We did this installation after our customer had a scary fall on their bare hardwood steps.
Ready to make your stairs safer, quieter and prettier? Call to make a showroom appointment! We’re here to help.